Athletic Awards


Athletic Awards 2023-24

It has been 5 years since Ballard High School Athletics has honored Beaver athletes for their efforts on and off the field, court, mat, pool and track. We want to thank the many BHS Athletics coaches who submitted thoughtful nominations. The nomination pool was excellent, and the choices were difficult. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!

Bucky Pride Award

The Bucky Pride Award is presented to individuals who displayed the best spirit throughout their season. Win or lose, they fought hard, improved, and never gave up. Chase Edwards, Addy Wynkoop, and Signe Rediger (not pictured) had respect for the officials, their coaches and teammates, and their opponents. They represented Ballard High School in a positive way.

Bucky team spirit Award

Awarded to the team that displayed the best spirit throughout their season. Win or lose, the Girls Track & Field Team played hard, improved, and never gave up. The team members showed respect to the officials, opponents and each other, and had fun!

athletes of the year

Awarded based on skill and impact to programs. Congratulations to Kian Vae’ena and Claudia Yovanovich!

rookie athletes of the year

Awarded to outstanding new athletes who stood out from the rest. Congratulations to Kyli Meyer and Lucca Rava.

student athletes of the year

Awarded to outstanding athletes who excelled both in athletics and in academics. Congratulations to Peyton Nakagawara and Dexter Stevens (not pictured).